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Dr Tomáš Alušík
Charles University, Prague
Events this person is speaking at:
Monday 25 November 2019 (7th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Medicine and health status in prehistoric and archaic Greece
Dr Tomáš Alušík
(Charles University, Prague)
Ancient Medicine Seminar
Wednesday 20 January 2021 (1st Week, Hilary Term)
The Asklepieion-Pythion of Paros: restudy of the old evidence
Dr Tomáš Alušík
(Charles University, Prague)
Ancient Medicine Seminar
Monday 8 November 2021 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
The origins of medicine in the prehistoric and archaic Greece
Dr Tomáš Alušík
(Charles University, Prague)
Centre for the History of Science Medicine and Technology (OCHSMT) Seminars