Oxford Talks
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Ezequiel González Ocantos
University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Monday 8 April 2019 (-2nd Week, Trinity Term)
Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods
Ezequiel González Ocantos
(University of Oxford)
Andy Eggers
(University of Oxford)
Annette Idler
(University of Oxford)
Anja Neundorf
(University of Nottingham)
Tom O’Grady
Thomas Robinson
(University of Oxford)
Friday 21 February 2020 (5th Week, Hilary Term)
Public Perceptions of the Criminalization of Grand Corruption in Latin America
Sandwiches will be provided.
Ezequiel González Ocantos
(University of Oxford)
Politics Research Colloquium
Events this person is organising:
Friday 12 May 2017 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
'Networks and Know-How: Delivering Universal Coverage in Thailand'
Ilan Nam
Monday 8 April 2019 (-2nd Week, Trinity Term)
Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods
Ezequiel González Ocantos
(University of Oxford)
Andy Eggers
(University of Oxford)
Annette Idler
(University of Oxford)
Anja Neundorf
(University of Nottingham)
Tom O’Grady
Thomas Robinson
(University of Oxford)