Oxford Talks
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Professor Paul Riley
DPAG, University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Friday 10 November 2017 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Fourth QBIOX Colloquium
Professor Paul Riley
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Eleanor Stride
(Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford)
Monday 10 December 2018 (10th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Immunomodulation via the cardiac lymphatic system to improve heart repair
Professor Paul Riley
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Wednesday 17 November 2021 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Development and Cell Biology Theme Away Day
Registration deadline: Friday 29 October.
Professor Paul Riley
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Ellie Tzima
(Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford)
Dr Alice Neal
(Ludwig Cancer Institute, University of Oxford)
Dr Auguste Vadisiute
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Nicola Smart
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Sarah De Val
(LICR, University of Oxford)
Dr Jacinta Kalisch-Smith
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Luana Campos Soares
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Preman Singh
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Irina-Elena Lupu
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Events this person is hosting:
Friday 22 May 2015 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Dr Sarah De Val : ‘Transcriptional pathways controlling blood vessel development and differentiation’
Dr Sarah De Val
(LICR, University of Oxford)
DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series
Thursday 16 July 2015 (12th Week, Trinity Term)
Orchestrating the metabolic tango between mother and baby during pregnancy
Prof. James Cross
(University of Calgary)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Tuesday 26 January 2016 (2nd Week, Hilary Term)
Skeletal muscle stem cells in the embryo and adult
Professor Margaret Buckingham
(Pasteur Institute)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 12 February 2016 (4th Week, Hilary Term)
A novel regulator of RNA metabolism and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis”
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
A novel regulator of RNA metabolism and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Professor Brian Black
(Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 9 December 2016 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
“A new, dynamic, view of cell state transitions in the nervous system; timing and stochasticity”
*All Welcome*
Professor Nancy Papalopulu
(The University of Manchester)
Wednesday 1 March 2017 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
A 3D atlas and database of human development.
Prof. Antoon FM Moorman
(University of Amsterdam)
DPAG Guest Speakers
Tuesday 10 October 2017 (1st Week, Michaelmas Term)
Hippo signalling in heart development and regeneration
James F. Martin, MD, PhD
(Vivian Smith Professor in Regenerative Medicine; Director, Cardiomyocyte Renewal Lab, The Texas Heart Institute)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Monday 4 December 2017 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Towards a single cell resolution of cell fate decisions in the early mouse embryo
Professor Janet Rossant
(Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto)
Tuesday 12 December 2017 (10th Week, Michaelmas Term)
A Left-Right differential cell migration drives heart looping in vertebrates.”
Dr Oscar Ocaña PhD
(Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH)
Tuesday 20 February 2018 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Cardiac regeneration in zebrafish and genetic compensation
Professor Didier Stainier
(Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim, Germany)
Cardiac Sciences Theme Guest Speakers
Wednesday 17 October 2018 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Transcriptional and epigenetic control of vascular homeostasis
Professor Anna M. Randi, MD PhD
(Imperial College London)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Transcriptional and epigenetic control of vascular homeostasis
Professor Anna Randi
(Imperial College London)
Friday 7 December 2018 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Annual Oxford Developmental Biology Symposium
Supported by the J.W.Jenkinson Memorial Fund. Fee, including lunch: £15. To register or for more information please contact Katherine.mcneil@dpag.ox.ac.uk. Organisers: Roger Patient, Marella de Bruijn, Paul Riley, Liz Robertson, Shankar Srinivas and Sarah De Val
Professor Nancy Papalopulu
(The University of Manchester)
Professor Steve Wilson
Irina Lupu
(Department of Physiology Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford)
Dr Markus Toegel
Professor Alison Woollard
(Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Oxford)
Professor Greger Larson
(School of Archaeology, University of Oxford)
Marieke Oudelaar
Professor Andrew Gillis
(University of Cambridge)
Dr Ruth Williams
Dr Oliver Stone
(University of Oxford, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics (DPAG))
Anna Senft
(Dunn School)
Professor Andy Greenfield
(MRC Harwell)
Annual Oxford Developmental Biology Symposium in Oxford
Thursday 28 February 2019 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Functional dynamics of chromatin topology in human cardiogenesis and disease
Please contact Katie McNeil if you would like to meet with Alessandro during his visit
Alessandro Bertero
(Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Centre for Nuclear Organization and Function, Dept. of Pathology, University of Washington)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 4 October 2019 (-1st Week, Michaelmas Term)
(CANCELLED) The dynamics of cell identity: explorations in mammalian embryos
: This talk has been cancelled
Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis
(Developmental Biology Program, Sloan Kettering Institute, MEMORIAL SLOAN KETTERING CANCER CENTER)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 8 November 2019 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Multiple Roles for CXCL12/CXCR4 Signalling in Cardiovascular Development
Professor Peter Scambler
(UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health)
DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series
Thursday 12 December 2019 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Behind the scenes of scientific publishing
Seema Grewal
(Senior Editor, Development )
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Thursday 23 April 2020 (0th Week, Trinity Term)
POSTPONED Heart Growth and Regeneration: Crossing the Line
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Professor Henry M. Sucov, PhD
(Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Monday 11 May 2020 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
POSTPONED Transcriptional control of heart development and regeneration
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Professor Enzo Porrello
(School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Melbourne)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 15 October 2021 (1st Week, Michaelmas Term)
Circadian control of the secretory pathway maintains collagen homeostasis
Professor Karl Kadler
(University of Manchester)
DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series
Wednesday 17 November 2021 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Development and Cell Biology Theme Away Day
Registration deadline: Friday 29 October.
Professor Paul Riley
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Ellie Tzima
(Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford)
Dr Alice Neal
(Ludwig Cancer Institute, University of Oxford)
Dr Auguste Vadisiute
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Nicola Smart
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Sarah De Val
(LICR, University of Oxford)
Dr Jacinta Kalisch-Smith
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Luana Campos Soares
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Preman Singh
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Irina-Elena Lupu
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Events this person is organising:
Friday 9 December 2016 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
“A new, dynamic, view of cell state transitions in the nervous system; timing and stochasticity”
*All Welcome*
Professor Nancy Papalopulu
(The University of Manchester)
Monday 4 December 2017 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Towards a single cell resolution of cell fate decisions in the early mouse embryo
Professor Janet Rossant
(Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto)
Tuesday 12 December 2017 (10th Week, Michaelmas Term)
A Left-Right differential cell migration drives heart looping in vertebrates.”
Dr Oscar Ocaña PhD
(Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH)
Tuesday 20 February 2018 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Cardiac regeneration in zebrafish and genetic compensation
Professor Didier Stainier
(Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim, Germany)
Cardiac Sciences Theme Guest Speakers
Wednesday 17 October 2018 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Transcriptional and epigenetic control of vascular homeostasis
Professor Anna Randi
(Imperial College London)
Friday 8 November 2019 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Multiple Roles for CXCL12/CXCR4 Signalling in Cardiovascular Development
Professor Peter Scambler
(UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health)
DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series
Thursday 12 December 2019 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Behind the scenes of scientific publishing
Seema Grewal
(Senior Editor, Development )
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 13 December 2019 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Annual Oxford Developmental Biology Symposium
Registration £15 per person Registration deadline Friday 22nd November
Professor Daniel St Johnston
(The Gurdon Institute)
Dr Kathy Niakan
(Human Embryo and Stem Cell Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute)
Professor Duncan Sparrow
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Tamsin Samuels
Professor Liam Dolan
(Plant Sciences)
Professor Clive Wilson
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Xin Sun
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Jordan Raff
(Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford)
Anindita Roy
(MRC WIMM, University of Oxford)
Dr Francesco Boccellato
(University of oxford)
Holly Hathrell
(University of Oxford)
Dr Mubeen Goolam
(Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford)
Annual Oxford Developmental Biology Symposium in Oxford
Thursday 23 April 2020 (0th Week, Trinity Term)
POSTPONED Heart Growth and Regeneration: Crossing the Line
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Professor Henry M. Sucov, PhD
(Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Monday 11 May 2020 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
POSTPONED Transcriptional control of heart development and regeneration
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Professor Enzo Porrello
(School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Melbourne)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Wednesday 14 October 2020 (1st Week, Michaelmas Term)
POSTPONED Development & Cell Biology Theme Research Meeting
This meeting is being postponed - details TBC
: This talk has been cancelled
Various Speakers
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Tuesday 2 February 2021 (3rd Week, Hilary Term)
Forcing your way through development: how forces are generated, integrated and controlled during development
This seminar will be held on Microsoft Teams. Please join with your video off and mikes muted. Email hod-pa@dpag.ox.ac.uk for more details.
Dr John Robert Davis
(The Francis Crick Institute)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Wednesday 17 November 2021 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Development and Cell Biology Theme Away Day
Registration deadline: Friday 29 October.
Professor Paul Riley
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Ellie Tzima
(Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford)
Dr Alice Neal
(Ludwig Cancer Institute, University of Oxford)
Dr Auguste Vadisiute
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Nicola Smart
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Sarah De Val
(LICR, University of Oxford)
Dr Jacinta Kalisch-Smith
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Luana Campos Soares
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Preman Singh
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Irina-Elena Lupu
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Friday 10 December 2021 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Jenkinson Annual Oxford Developmental Biology Symposium
Professor Kate McDole
(University of Cambridge)
Professor Alistair McGregor
(Oxford Brookes University)
Luke Harland
(Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford)
Michael Weinberger
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Dr Alice Neal
(Ludwig Cancer Institute, University of Oxford)
Associate Professor Alison Woollard
(Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford)
Steven Twigg
(Immunology, University of Oxford)
Jordan Raff
(Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford)
Cathy Ye
(Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)
Monday 16 May 2022 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Jenkinson Memorial Lecture
Postponed to 16 May 2022
Professor Nancy Papalopulu
(The University of Manchester)
Development & Cell Biology Theme Guest Speakers (DPAG)