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Prof Adrian Hill
Jenner Institute, University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Thursday 9 July 2015 (11th Week, Trinity Term)
12th Medical Sciences Division DPhil Day
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
Medical Sciences Division Events
Wednesday 9 March 2016 (8th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford London Lecture - Vaccines for Ebola: tackling a market failure
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
Oxford London Lecture
Monday 25 April 2016 (1st Week, Trinity Term)
Combating Malaria Through Collaboration
5.30pm talks start. 7.00pm drinks reception.
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
Professor Nicholas White
(University of Oxford)
Prof Kevin Marsh
(University of Oxford)
Prof Philippe Guerin
Prof Dominic Kwiatkowski
(University of Oxford)
Dr Katherine Battle
(University of Oxford)
Monday 19 March 2018 (10th Week, Hilary Term)
Infections@BDI Seminar: New Horizons for Vaccines
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
BDI seminars
Thursday 21 May 2020 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
A rapid vaccine response to COVID-19: progress and prospects
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
Oxford SARS-CoV-2 Lecture Series
Thursday 25 June 2020 (9th Week, Trinity Term)
Combined Medical-Surgical Grand Round
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
Surgical Grand Rounds
Events this person is hosting:
Wednesday 11 April 2018 (-1st Week, Trinity Term)
Vaccines at the Serum Institute of India
Dr Umesh Shaligram
(Director of R&D, Serum Institute of India, Pune)
Jenner Seminars
Thursday 12 July 2018 (12th Week, Trinity Term)
Immune responses to the RTS,S malaria vaccine in African children
Prof Carlota Dobano
(Head of Malaria Immunology Group, Barcelona Institute for Global Health/ISGlobal)
Jenner Seminars
Thursday 26 September 2019 (-2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
NEW DATE, TIME & VENUE: Mathematical modelling of dose responses in vaccine studies
Dr Tom Evans
(Vaccitech Ltd., Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GE)
Jenner Seminars
Monday 29 March 2021 (11th Week, Hilary Term)
COVID-19 & helminth challenge studies
Dr Meta Roestenberg
(Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC))
Jenner Seminars