Oxford Talks
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Dr Susan James Relly
University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Wednesday 28 October 2020 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Discussion group stream 1: Race
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 11 November 2020 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Sustainability
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 25 November 2020 (7th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Justice
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 9 December 2020 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Protection
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Events this person is hosting:
Monday 28 November 2016 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Schools as workplaces: what makes a school a good place to work?
Professor Jane Bryson
(Victoria University of Wellington)
Department of Education Public Seminars
Monday 6 February 2017 (4th Week, Hilary Term)
The long term implications of devolution and localism for FE in England
Professor Ewart Keep
(University of Oxford)
Department of Education Public Seminars
Monday 11 November 2019 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Integrating and Augmenting Tertiary Education Students’ Experiences in Workplace Settings
Professor Stephen Billett
(Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia)
Department of Education Public Seminars
Tuesday 20 October 2020 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lecture: Race
Please click on the link on the day of lecture.
Eusebius McKaiser
(Broadcaster and author)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lecture: Race
Eusebius McKaiser
(Broadcaster and author)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 27 October 2020 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Race
Simukai Chigudu
(University of Oxford)
David Kirk
(Nuffield College)
Prof Patricia Daley
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 28 October 2020 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Discussion group stream 1: Race
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 3 November 2020 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Sustainability
Professor Dame Polly Courtice
(Sustainability Leadership Programme, University of Cambridge)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Sustainability
Please click on the link on the day of the lecture.
Professor Dame Polly Courtice
(Sustainability Leadership Programme, University of Cambridge)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Wednesday 11 November 2020 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Sustainability
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 17 November 2020 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Justice
Baroness Helena Kennedy
(Principal, Mansfield College)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Justice
Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
(Labour Member of the House of Lords and former Principal Mansfield College)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 24 November 2020 (7th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Justice
Professor Jonathan Wolff
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Professor Zofia Stemplowska
Prof. Mary Bosworth
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 25 November 2020 (7th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Justice
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 1 December 2020 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Protection
Dr Hugo Slim
(Former Head of Policy, International Committee of the Red Cross, and BSG)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Protection
Dr Hugo Slim
(Former Head of Policy, International Committee of the Red Cross, and BSG)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Tuesday 8 December 2020 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Protection
Professor Kate O'Regan
(University of Oxford)
Professor Danny Dorling
(University of Oxford)
Professor Stathis Kalyvas
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 26 January 2021 (2nd Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds- Social Science Lecture: Power: how does it work in the global economy? **ALUMNI ONLY**
Prof. Saskia Sassen
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds Lecture - Power: how does it work in the global economy?
Prof. Saskia Sassen
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 2 February 2021 (3rd Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Power: what does it mean for states, markets, and society?
Professor Andrew Hurrell
(University of Oxford)
Dace Dzenovska
(University of Oxford)
Eric Thun
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 16 February 2021 (5th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Space: How is society being geographically reconfigured?
Professor Laura Rival
(University of Oxford)
Prof Michael Keith
(University of Oxford)
Gillian Rose
(School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Monday 1 March 2021 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds- Social Science Lecture: Identity ***ALUMNI ONLY***
Mahmood Mamdani
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Tuesday 2 March 2021 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Identity: Past, present, and future transformation
Dr Barbara Havelková
(Oxford Law Faculty )
Professor Gina Neff
(Oxford Internet Institute, Department of Sociology, Senior Research Associate, Christ Church, University of Oxford)
Miles Larmer
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 10 March 2021 (8th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Lecture - Belonging: What the social sciences can learn from the humanities
Professor Elleke Boehmer
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Oxford Minds Lecture - Belonging: What the social sciences can learn from the humanities
Professor Elleke Boehmer
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Tuesday 16 March 2021 (9th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Discussion Panel: Belonging: what shapes societal inclusion and exclusion?
Roger Zetter
(Refugee Studies Centre)
Prof. Jane Barlow
(University of Oxford)
Prof. Ian Thompson
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 19 October 2021 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Mixed Methods: crossing the qual-quant divide
Dr Olivier Sterck
(University of Oxford)
Prof Leigh Payne
(University of Oxford)
Prof Heather Hamill
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 2 November 2021 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Theory-Building: generating testable abstractions
Prof Federico Varese
(University of Oxford)
Dr Martha Newson
(University of Oxford)
Professor Andrea Ruggeri
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 16 November 2021 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Intersectionality: making sense of power and identity
Prof Nick Owen
(University of Oxford)
Prof Nikita Sud
(University of Oxford)
Prof Rossella Ciccia
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 30 November 2021 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Policy Impact: from recommendations to transformation
Dr Michelle Meadows
(University of Oxford)
Dr Tom Hale
(Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University)
Prof Abi Adams-Prassl
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Events this person is organising:
Tuesday 20 October 2020 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lecture: Race
Eusebius McKaiser
(Broadcaster and author)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lecture: Race
Please click on the link on the day of lecture.
Eusebius McKaiser
(Broadcaster and author)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Tuesday 27 October 2020 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Race
Simukai Chigudu
(University of Oxford)
David Kirk
(Nuffield College)
Prof Patricia Daley
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 28 October 2020 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 2: Race
Prof Alexander Betts
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Oxford Minds - Discussion group stream 1: Race
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 3 November 2020 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Sustainability
Please click on the link on the day of the lecture.
Professor Dame Polly Courtice
(Sustainability Leadership Programme, University of Cambridge)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Sustainability
Professor Dame Polly Courtice
(Sustainability Leadership Programme, University of Cambridge)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 10 November 2020 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Sustainability
Professor Cameron Hepburn
Professor Colin Mayer
Dr Radhika Khosla
(Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 11 November 2020 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Sustainability
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 17 November 2020 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Justice
Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
(Labour Member of the House of Lords and former Principal Mansfield College)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Justice
Baroness Helena Kennedy
(Principal, Mansfield College)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Tuesday 24 November 2020 (7th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Justice
Professor Jonathan Wolff
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Professor Zofia Stemplowska
Prof. Mary Bosworth
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 25 November 2020 (7th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Justice
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Discussion group stream 2: Justice
Prof Alexander Betts
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 1 December 2020 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Protection
Dr Hugo Slim
(Former Head of Policy, International Committee of the Red Cross, and BSG)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Lecture: Protection
Dr Hugo Slim
(Former Head of Policy, International Committee of the Red Cross, and BSG)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 8 December 2020 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Sciences Panel: Protection
Professor Kate O'Regan
(University of Oxford)
Professor Danny Dorling
(University of Oxford)
Professor Stathis Kalyvas
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 9 December 2020 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Discussion group stream 1: Protection
Dr Susan James Relly
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Discussion group stream 2: Protection
Prof Alexander Betts
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 26 January 2021 (2nd Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds- Social Science Lecture: Power: how does it work in the global economy? **ALUMNI ONLY**
Prof. Saskia Sassen
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds Lecture - Power: how does it work in the global economy?
Prof. Saskia Sassen
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 2 February 2021 (3rd Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Power: what does it mean for states, markets, and society?
Professor Andrew Hurrell
(University of Oxford)
Dace Dzenovska
(University of Oxford)
Eric Thun
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 16 February 2021 (5th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Space: How is society being geographically reconfigured?
Professor Laura Rival
(University of Oxford)
Prof Michael Keith
(University of Oxford)
Gillian Rose
(School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Monday 1 March 2021 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds- Social Science Lecture: Identity ***ALUMNI ONLY***
Mahmood Mamdani
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds Lecture - Identity
Mahmood Mamdani
(Columbia University)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 2 March 2021 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Identity: Past, present, and future transformation
Dr Barbara Havelková
(Oxford Law Faculty )
Professor Gina Neff
(Oxford Internet Institute, Department of Sociology, Senior Research Associate, Christ Church, University of Oxford)
Miles Larmer
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Wednesday 10 March 2021 (8th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds Lecture - Belonging: What the social sciences can learn from the humanities
Professor Elleke Boehmer
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Lectures (Alumni)
Oxford Minds Lecture - Belonging: What the social sciences can learn from the humanities
Professor Elleke Boehmer
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 16 March 2021 (9th Week, Hilary Term)
Oxford Minds - Oxford Social Science Discussion Panel: Belonging: what shapes societal inclusion and exclusion?
Roger Zetter
(Refugee Studies Centre)
Prof. Jane Barlow
(University of Oxford)
Prof. Ian Thompson
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 27 April 2021 (1st Week, Trinity Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion: Interviews
Prof Alexander Betts
(University of Oxford)
Professor Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
(University of Oxford)
Professor Timothy Power
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 4 May 2021 (2nd Week, Trinity Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion: Numbers
Max Kasy
(University of Oxford)
Ben Ansell
(University of Oxford)
Jennifer Dowd
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 11 May 2021 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion: Archives
Sneha Krishnan
(University of Oxford)
Rana Mitter
(St Cross, Oxford)
Sudhir Hazareesingh
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 18 May 2021 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Oxford Minds Panel Discussion: Ethnography
Dr Elizabeth Ewart
(University of Oxford)
Dr David Mills
(University of Oxford)
Professor Ruben Andersson
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 19 October 2021 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
Mixed Methods: crossing the qual-quant divide
Dr Olivier Sterck
(University of Oxford)
Prof Leigh Payne
(University of Oxford)
Prof Heather Hamill
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 2 November 2021 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Theory-Building: generating testable abstractions
Prof Federico Varese
(University of Oxford)
Dr Martha Newson
(University of Oxford)
Professor Andrea Ruggeri
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 16 November 2021 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Intersectionality: making sense of power and identity
Prof Nick Owen
(University of Oxford)
Prof Nikita Sud
(University of Oxford)
Prof Rossella Ciccia
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division
Tuesday 30 November 2021 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Policy Impact: from recommendations to transformation
Dr Michelle Meadows
(University of Oxford)
Dr Tom Hale
(Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University)
Prof Abi Adams-Prassl
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Minds from the Social Sciences Division