Oxford Talks
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Professor Kim Midwood
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology
Events this person is speaking at:
Wednesday 20 February 2019 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Spinning-out Science: the good, the bad, and the unexpected
Seminar is followed by a networking buffet from 6.30pm (please register for catering numbers)
Professor Kim Midwood
(Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Life Sciences Entrepreneur Seminar Series
Friday 28 February 2020 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Decoding danger signals from the extracellular matrix reveals new strategies to treat inflammatory disease and cancer
Please note change of series location to Sherrington Library
Professor Kim Midwood
(Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series
Friday 22 October 2021 (2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)
New Date, Stay Tuned: Location, location location: how cells know where they are and what to do there
: This talk has been cancelled
Professor Kim Midwood
(Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Sparking Collaboration Across Departments
Events this person is hosting:
Monday 30 October 2017 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Deconstructing and reconstructing a metastatic tumour microenvironment
Dr Oliver Pearce
(Barts Cancer Institute, London)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 12 February 2018 (5th Week, Hilary Term)
Citrullinated epitopes are excellent targets for cancer vaccines
Prof Lindy Durrant
(University of Nottingham)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Friday 23 March 2018 (10th Week, Hilary Term)
Extracellular interaction networks
Special Visiting Scientist Seminar
Prof Sylvie Ricard-Blum
(University of Lyon)
Tuesday 30 July 2019 (14th Week, Trinity Term)
Toward rationale therapy for scleroderma
Prof John Varga
(Director of Northwestern Scleroderma Program; John and Nancy Hughes Distinguished Professor in Rheumatology at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 18 November 2019 (6th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Sugar is not just for tea! Sweet tasting fibroblasts in inflammatory Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Dr Miguel Pineda
(ARUK Research Fellow, University of Glasgow)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 29 June 2020 (10th Week, Trinity Term)
Post translational modification of Beta2 glycoprotein I a major plasma glycoprotein in immunity and autoimmunity.
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qfu-qrTwiHd3TZV_koY5P7PWJztlXE-B3
Professor Steven Krilis
(Director of the Department of Infectious Disease, Immunology and Sexual Health, St. George Hospital, University of New South Wales, Australia)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Events this person is organising:
Monday 15 June 2015 (8th Week, Trinity Term)
The Use of Biologic Therapies to Induce New Populations of Treg in Autoimmunity
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Dr Clare Notley
(Centre for Rheumatology, University College London, London )
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 22 June 2015 (9th Week, Trinity Term)
The Cartilage Circadian Clock in Health and Disease
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Dr Qing-Jun Meng
(Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Friday 4 December 2015 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)
Advances in Immunology, DPhil Module
This event is open to all at the University.
Professor Sir Marc Feldmann
(Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, NDORMS)
Dr Thibault Griseri
(Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, NDORMS)
Dr Steve Sansom
(Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, NDORMS)