The Atomistic Materials Modelling Seminars (Hosted by the Oxford Materials Design Network)

The Atomistic Materials Modelling Seminars, a.k.a. the Materials Modelling Laboratory Seminars, are a series of seminars focused on the development and application of atomistic materials modelling techniques, including distinguished speakers from within and outside the University. This year, the Atomistic Materials Modelling seminar series is working closely with the Network for Materials Design, and forms part of a range of events organised by the network to help promote an interdisciplinary approach to tackling materials design challenges.

The seminars are 30 minutes + questions, and will usually take place at 2pm on Fridays in even-numbered weeks during Full Term. If you’re interested in atomistic materials modelling techniques, or their applications, please come along!
Type: Seminar Series
Series organiser: Joseph Prentice (University of Oxford)
Timing: Fridays at 2pm
Organising department: Department of Materials


No upcoming talks to display for this series.
Editor: Samantha Pearce