Name: Kerry Elliott

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 5 June 2018 (7th Week, Trinity Term)

Science in Australia Gender Equity pilot of Athena SWAN and Male Champions of Change: Experience and lessons from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Date: 5 June 2018, 14:00 - 16:00 (Tuesday, 7th week, Trinity 2018)
Speaker s: Dr Megan Osmond (CSIRO), Kerry Elliott (CSIRO)
Venue: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QU
Venue Details: Main Seminar Room
Organisers: Charlotte Smith (RDM, University of Oxford), Dr Pavel Ovseiko (RDM, University of Oxford)
Hosts: Charlotte Smith (RDM, University of Oxford), Dr Pavel Ovseiko (RDM, University of Oxford)