Name: Professor Julie Williams
Cardiff University

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 28 April 2016 (1st Week, Trinity Term)

Defining the genetic architecture of Alzheimer’s disease
Date: 28 April 2016, 13:00 - 14:00 (Thursday, 1st week, Trinity 2016)
Speaker : Professor Julie Williams (Cardiff University)
Venue: John Radcliffe West Wing and Children's Hospital, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Seminar Rooms A/B, Level 6
Organiser: Jacqueline Pumphrey (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)
Host: Professor Christopher Kennard (University of Oxford)

Defining the genetic architecture of Alzheimer’s disease
Date: 28 April 2016, 13:00 - 14:00 (Thursday, 1st week, Trinity 2016)
Speaker : Professor Julie Williams (Cardiff University)
Venue: John Radcliffe West Wing and Children's Hospital, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Seminar Rooms A/B, Level 6
Organiser: Jacqueline Pumphrey (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)
Host: Professor Christopher Kennard (University of Oxford)