Oxford Talks
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Prof Mark Coles
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology
Events this person is hosting:
Monday 1 July 2019 (10th Week, Trinity Term)
Inflammation Shapes Lung Regeneration
Dr Joo-Hyeon Lee
(University of Cambridge)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 15 July 2019 (12th Week, Trinity Term)
Six scissors: regulation of ADAM10 by tetraspanins
Dr Michael Tomlinson
(University of Birmingham)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Thursday 13 February 2020 (4th Week, Hilary Term)
The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Facilitate Bed to Bench Clinical Translation: Optimizing In-vitro Human Intestinal Organoid Experimental Designs for Cancer Therapy
Dr Jonathan Wagg
(Roche Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 22 June 2020 (9th Week, Trinity Term)
Innate Immune Defense Against Bacterial Pathogens by Inflammasomes
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpc-mprTssH9SUrXoPl2RaTyU2GFido_0o
Prof Russell Vance
(University of California, Berkeley)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 20 July 2020 (13th Week, Trinity Term)
Innate Immune Defenses against Cancer: Potential for Mobilizing NK Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAocuCrrzkoH92jmc3diZILDe4TyptPEbaL
Professor David Raulet
(UC Berkeley)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 22 February 2021 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Understanding how connective tissue fibroblasts direct muscle tissue formation
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpduyspjwiGNDIdS_3J4a26BIiMOHsiFTg
Prof Malcolm Logan
(King's College London)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 8 March 2021 (8th Week, Hilary Term)
Autoimmune Disease as a Fragility of Immune Surveillance against hypersecreting Mutants
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpcuuqrDssGdLSxrqXqO4m4tV8F1jYdyVh
Prof Uri Alon
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 22 March 2021 (10th Week, Hilary Term)
Harnessing innate immunity in cancer therapy
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwscOisrzstEtxhmXtGrxcXtG1NkLxAXF0Q
Prof Eric Vivier
(Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 12 April 2021 (-1st Week, Trinity Term)
Navigating Cancer Immunotherapy Moonshots in High-Dimensional Space
This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIuf-mgpjkiHdYsT_VteK_KHlD7sl5pADYr
Dr Grégoire Altan-Bonnet
(NIH NCI Center for Cancer Research, USA)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Monday 24 May 2021 (5th Week, Trinity Term)
Ageing of the Immune System: Intrinsic or Extrinsic?
This seminar is open to members of the University of Oxford only. Please register with your University of Oxford email to ensure a successful registration. Registration is at: https://medsci.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrc-ygpjsrHdUJ0cNf51nMfN6YeXYMLhal
Dr Donald Palmer
(The Royal Veterinary College)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Events this person is organising:
Thursday 13 February 2020 (4th Week, Hilary Term)
The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Facilitate Bed to Bench Clinical Translation: Optimizing In-vitro Human Intestinal Organoid Experimental Designs for Cancer Therapy
Dr Jonathan Wagg
(Roche Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development)
Kennedy Institute Seminars