Name: Professor David Cranston

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 10 December 2015 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)

Combined Medical-Surgical Grand Round
Date: 10 December 2015, 13:00 - 14:00 (Thursday, 9th week, Michaelmas 2015)
Speaker s: Professor David Cranston, Dr Eric Sidebottom
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Wednesday 11 May 2016 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)

‘High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in clinical practice. History and current research.’
Date: 11 May 2016, 13:00 - 14:00 (Wednesday, 3rd week, Trinity 2016)
Speaker : Professor David Cranston
Venue: Cancer Hospital, Churchill, Headington OX3 7LJ
Venue Details: Meeting Room 3, Level 2, Cancer Centre
Organiser: Tarryn Ching (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)
Hosts: TBA

Friday 19 May 2017 (4th Week, Trinity Term)

William Osler and his Legacy to Medicine
Date: 19 May 2017, 8:00 - 09:00 (Friday, 4th week, Trinity 2017)
Speaker : Professor David Cranston
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Organiser: Tarryn Ching (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)
Host: Professor Freddie Hamdy (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)

Friday 11 May 2018 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)

Medicine in Art
Date: 11 May 2018, 8:00 - 09:00 (Friday, 3rd week, Trinity 2018)
Speaker : Professor David Cranston
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Organiser: Tarryn Ching (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)
Host: Professor Freddie Hamdy (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)

Friday 13 March 2020 (8th Week, Hilary Term)

In sickness and in power (illnesses in some of the world leaders)
Date: 13 March 2020, 8:00 - 09:00 (Friday, 8th week, Hilary 2020)
Speaker : Professor David Cranston
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Organiser: Tarryn Ching (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)
Host: Professor Freddie Hamdy (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)

Events this person is hosting:

Thursday 4 May 2017 (2nd Week, Trinity Term)

South Central Urology Meeting
Date: 4 May 2017, 17:00 - 18:00 (Thursday, 2nd week, Trinity 2017)
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue: St Anne's College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HS
Organisers: Mr Ben Turney (University of Oxford), Associate Professor Richard Bryant (University of Oxford)
Hosts: Professor Freddie Hamdy (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences), Professor David Cranston

Events this person is organising:

Thursday 19 January 2017 (1st Week, Hilary Term)

NDS Research Away Day
Date: 19 January 2017, 9:00 - 17:00 (Thursday, 1st week, Hilary 2017)
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue: Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens OX2 6QA
Organisers: Mr Ben Turney (University of Oxford), Professor David Cranston
Hosts: TBA