Oxford Talks
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Professor Paul Chaisty
University of Oxford
Events this person is organising:
Friday 19 May 2017 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Conference - The Russian Economy: Current Trends and Future Prospects
Various Speakers
Monday 22 January 2018 (2nd Week, Hilary Term)
Disrupted democracy in Ukraine? Protest, performance and contention in the Verkhovna Rada
Dr Sarah Whitmore
(Oxford Brookes University)
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Monday 29 January 2018 (3rd Week, Hilary Term)
Health and well-being in Russia: new approaches, new challenges
Professor Christopher Gerry
(University of Oxford)
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Tuesday 6 February 2018 (4th Week, Hilary Term)
The challenges to growth in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Sergei Guriev
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Monday 12 February 2018 (5th Week, Hilary Term)
After 20 years: Russia and the European Convention on Human Rights
Prof Jeffrey Kahn
(Southern Methodist University)
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Monday 19 February 2018 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Ethnic hierarchy in the Russian labour market
Dr Alexey Bessudnov
(University of Exeter)
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Monday 26 February 2018 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Mobilizing under uncertainty: from fleeing to fighting in wartime Abkhazia
Dr Anastasia Shesterinina
(University of Sheffield)
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Monday 5 March 2018 (8th Week, Hilary Term)
The influence (and limits) of Russia’s strategic narrative during ‘information war’ in Ukraine
Dr Joanna Szostek
(Royal Holloway)
Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Tuesday 14 May 2019 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
Roundtable on the Ukrainian Presidential Elections
Tetyana A. Malyarenko
Petro Burkovskyy
Orysia Lutsevych
(Chatham House)
Stefan Szwed
(University of Oxford)
Thursday 13 June 2019 (7th Week, Trinity Term)
No Revolution of Dignity for Ukraine’s Judges: Post-Maidan Judicial Reforms
Maria Popova
Monday 20 January 2020 (1st Week, Hilary Term)
Political Machines at Work: Electoral Subversion in the Russian Workplace
Timothy Frye
(Columbia University)
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 27 January 2020 (2nd Week, Hilary Term)
The Neo-Nomenklatura System in Russia: How it Looks, How it Feels
Nikolai Petrov
(Chatham House)
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 3 February 2020 (3rd Week, Hilary Term)
Russian Organised Crime Under Putin – and After Him
Mark Galeotti
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 10 February 2020 (4th Week, Hilary Term)
New Kremlinology: The Challenge of Understanding and Studying Elite Politics in Russia
Alex Baturo
(Dublin City University)
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 17 February 2020 (5th Week, Hilary Term)
Taxes and Trust: From Coercion to Compliance in Poland, Russia and Ukraine
Marc Berenson
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 24 February 2020 (6th Week, Hilary Term)
Party People: Electoral Candidates, Party Change and Party System Evolution in Central and Eastern Europe
Allan Sikk
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 2 March 2020 (7th Week, Hilary Term)
Reaching the Converted: Understanding the Methods of Informant Enrolment in East Germany
Dr Barbara Piotrowska
(University of Oxford )
Russian and East European Politics
Monday 9 March 2020 (8th Week, Hilary Term)
Social Capital and the Housing Renovations Programme in Russia
Ekaterina Borisova
(HSE University)
Russian and East European Politics