Name: Pietro Altermatt
Principal Scientist, Trina Solar, China

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 7 November 2017 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)

Solar cells made of crystalline silicon: successful mainstream thanks to intense research and development
Date: 7 November 2017, 17:00 - 18:30 (Tuesday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2017)
Speaker : Pietro Altermatt (Principal Scientist, Trina Solar, China)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: South Parks Road, OX1 3QY
Organisers: Dr Philipp Grunewald (University of Oxford, Oxford University Centre for the Environment), Dr Nick Eyre (University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA