Name: Jonathan Herring
University of Oxford

Events this person is speaking at:

Wednesday 10 February 2016 (4th Week, Hilary Term)

The Law and the Right to Care in Old Age
Date: 10 February 2016, 18:00 - 19:30 (Wednesday, 4th week, Hilary 2016)
Speaker : Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford)
Venue: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HG
Venue Details: E.P. Abraham Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Donna McMenemy (Green Templeton College)
Host: Donna McMenemy (Green Templeton College)

Friday 28 October 2016 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)

Montgomery and Me: Implementing the New Standard for Consent to Treatment in Medicine and Healthcare
Date: 28 October 2016, 10:00 - 16:00 (Friday, 3rd week, Michaelmas 2016)
Speaker s: Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford), Baroness Hale (Supreme Court of the United Kingdom), Professor Sir John Bell (Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford)
Venue: St Catherine's College, Manor Road OX1 3UJ
Organiser: Professor Ashok Handa
Host: Professor Ashok Handa

Thursday 17 October 2019 (1st Week, Michaelmas Term)

Sir John Hanson Memorial Lecture: Challenges of implementing an ethic of care in law and social policy
Date: 17 October 2019, 18:00 - 19:30 (Thursday, 1st week, Michaelmas 2019)
Speaker : Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford)
Venue: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HG
Venue Details: EP Abraham Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Yoland Johnson (Green Templeton College)
Hosts: TBA