Oxford Talks
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Erin Saunders
University of Oxford
Events this person is hosting:
Friday 18 May 2018 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Distributions of quadratic functionals of the fractional Brownian motion based on a martingale approximation
Katsuto Tanaka
(Gakushuin University)
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Events this person is organising:
Tuesday 24 April 2018 (1st Week, Trinity Term)
Negotiation as the Art of the Deal
Hugo Sommenschein
(University of Chicago)
Economic Theory Workshop
Is There a Phillips Curve? A Full Information Partial Equilibrium Approach
Roberto Piazza
(International Monetary Fund)
Macroeconomics Working Group
Subways and Urban Air Pollution (Joint Seminar with OxCarre)
Matthew Turner
(Brown University, Rhode Island)
International Trade Seminar
Mismatch Cycles
Isaac Baley
(UPF & Barcelona GSE)
Seminar in Macroeconomics
Konrad Mierendorff
(University College London)
Learning, Games and Network Seminar
Wednesday 25 April 2018 (1st Week, Trinity Term)
Title TBC
Ole Jann
(Nuffield College)
Postdoc Seminar
Rising Inequality and globalisation
Registration not required. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
Thomas Piketty
(Paris School of Economics/École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales)
Economic and Social History Seminar
Thursday 26 April 2018 (1st Week, Trinity Term)
Trading Networks with Frictions
Alex Teytelboym
(University of Oxford)
Department of Economics Seminar
Age Dependent Preferences, Education & the Marriage Market for Young Brides (CANCELLED)
Alison Andrew
(Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Applied Microeconomics Seminar
Friday 27 April 2018 (1st Week, Trinity Term)
Identification of possibly nonfundamental VARMA models using higher order moments
Carlos Velasco
(Carlos III University of Madrid )
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Rationalizable Implementation of Correspondences (CANCELLED)
Roberto Serrano
(Brown University)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Tuesday 1 May 2018 (2nd Week, Trinity Term)
Job polarisation and the race between technology and skills in the UK
Dr Luis Valenzuela
(INET Oxford Postdoctoral Research Officer, Employment Equity & Growth Programme)
Applied Microeconomics Workshop
Immanuel Kant meets Adam Smith and Charles Darwin
Jorgen Weibull
(Stockholm School of Economics)
Economic Theory Workshop
Welfare gains of (cross-country) policy coordination in an open economy DSGE model with financial frictions and learning
Erica Perego
(Cepremap (Centre pour la recherche économique et ses applications))
Macroeconomics Working Group
Labor Income Risk, Asset Prices, and Unemployment Cyclicality
Pontus Rendhal
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar in Macroeconomics
The comfortable, the rich, and the super-rich. what really happened to top and high incomes in Britain over the trans-war period?
Peter Scott & James Walker
(Henley Business School)
Economic and Social History Seminar
Thursday 3 May 2018 (2nd Week, Trinity Term)
Set Estimation of an Unknown Error Rate Using Random Revealed Preferences
Aluma Dembo
(University of Oxford)
Department of Economics Seminar
Friday 4 May 2018 (2nd Week, Trinity Term)
Measurement Error without Exclusion: the Returns to College Selectivity and Characteristics
Karim Chalak
(University of Virginia)
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Strategically simple Mechanisms
Tilman Borgers
(University of Michigan)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Tuesday 8 May 2018 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
Federal unemployment insurance: theory, and an application to Europe
Marek Ignaszak
(University of Bonn)
Macroeconomics Working Group
Social Learning in a Dynamic Environment
Ben Golub
(Harvard University)
Learning, Games and Network Seminar
The Big Sort: Selective Migration and the Decline of Northern England, 1800-2017
Neil Cummins
Greg Clark
(UC Davis)
Economic and Social History Seminar
Thursday 10 May 2018 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
The Value of Unemployment Insurance
Johannes Spinnewijn
(London School of Economics and Political Science)
Applied Microeconomics Seminar
Friday 11 May 2018 (3rd Week, Trinity Term)
Jackknife, small bandwidth and high-dimensional asymptotics
Taisuke Otsu
(London School of Economics and Political Science)
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Top Trading Cycles, Consistency, and Acyclic Priorities for House Allocation with Existing Tenants
Bettina klaus
(University of Lausanne)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Monday 14 May 2018 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Multi-Seller Membership Pricing
Ming Gao
(Tsinghua University)
Postdoc & DPhil Workshop
Tuesday 15 May 2018 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Whom or What Does the Representative Firm Represent? Firm Heterogeneity and the Aggregate Labour Share
Dr Luis Valenzuela
(INET Oxford Postdoctoral Research Officer, Employment Equity & Growth Programme)
Matteo Richiardi
Applied Microeconomics Workshop
Information Design in Coalition Formation Games
Sareh Vosooghi
(University of Oxford)
Economic Theory Workshop
Title TBC
Jan Trenczek
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz )
International Trade Workshop
Title TBC
André Kurmann
(Drexel University)
Seminar in Macroeconomics
Going Dutch: Exchange Rates, Capital Mobility and Monetary Policy in the Netherlands during the Interwar Gold Standard
Chris Colvin
(Queen’s University Belfast)
Philip Fliers
(Utrecht University)
Economic and Social History Seminar
Thursday 17 May 2018 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Has Medicare Coverage Crowded Out Prevention? Evidence from the Life Cycle Insulin Usage Decisions of Diabetics
Daniel Kalinski
(University of Oxford)
Applied Microeconomics Seminar
Friday 18 May 2018 (4th Week, Trinity Term)
Auction by Invitation
Asher Wolinsky
(Northwestern University)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Tuesday 22 May 2018 (5th Week, Trinity Term)
Title TBC
Genevieve Nelson
(University of Oxford)
Macroeconomics Working Group
Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations
Rafael Dix Carneiro
(Duke University)
International Trade Seminar
Exempted Sectors in Free Trade Agreements
Alan Deardorff
International Trade Workshop
Financial Frictions and the Wealth Distribution
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde
(University of Pennsylvania)
Seminar in Macroeconomics
Title TBC
Chris McKenna & Rowena Archer
Economic and Social History Seminar
Wednesday 23 May 2018 (5th Week, Trinity Term)
Firm Experimentation and Social Networks
Stephen Nei
(University of Oxford)
Postdoc Seminar
Thursday 24 May 2018 (5th Week, Trinity Term)
Scientific Revolution: Institutions and the Intellectual Rise of the Western World
Eric Chaney
(University of Oxford)
Department of Economics Seminar
Friday 25 May 2018 (5th Week, Trinity Term)
Resurrecting weighted Least Squares
Michael Wolf
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Uniform Price Auctions with a Last Accepted Bid Pricing Rule
Kyle Woodward
(University of North Carolina)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Tuesday 29 May 2018 (6th Week, Trinity Term)
The aggregate effects of credit market frictions: Evidence from firm-level default assessments
Isabelle Roland
(University of Oxford)
Macroeconomics Working Group
The Pricing of Progress: Economic Indicators and the Capitalization of American Life
Eli Cook
(Haifa University)
Economic and Social History Seminar
Thursday 31 May 2018 (6th Week, Trinity Term)
Implementing Walrasian Equilibrium -- the Language of Product-Mix Auctions
Elizabeth Baldwin
(University of Oxford )
Department of Economics Seminar
Why do high-skill workers move more? The role of job search in migration decisions
Maria Balgova
(University of Oxford)
Applied Microeconomics Seminar
Friday 1 June 2018 (6th Week, Trinity Term)
On useful implications of super exogeneity for small-sample inferences in cointegrated vector autoregression
Takamitsu Kurita
(Fukuoka University)
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Culture and Communication
Muhamet Yildiz
(Massachusetts institute of Technology)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Tuesday 5 June 2018 (7th Week, Trinity Term)
Browsing versus Studying: A Pro-Market Case
Johannes Johnen
Economic Theory Workshop
Wednesday 6 June 2018 (7th Week, Trinity Term)
Labor Market Impacts of States Issuing Driver Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants
Esther Arenas-Arroyo
(COMPAS, University of Oxford)
Postdoc Seminar
Thursday 7 June 2018 (7th Week, Trinity Term)
Title TBC
Jakob Schneebacher
(University of Oxford )
Department of Economics Seminar
Friday 8 June 2018 (7th Week, Trinity Term)
Normative Equilibrium: The permissible and the forbidden as devices for bringing order to economic environments
Michael Richter
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Uniformly Valid Confidence Intervals Post-Model-Selection
David Preinerstorfer
(Université libre de Bruxelles )
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Monday 11 June 2018 (8th Week, Trinity Term)
Optimal taxation and endogenous growth
Ravi Jagadeesan
(Harvard University)
Postdoc & DPhil Workshop
Tuesday 12 June 2018 (8th Week, Trinity Term)
Strategic Stability Index
Ehud Kalai
(Northwestern University)
Economic Theory Workshop
Thursday 14 June 2018 (8th Week, Trinity Term)
Strategic Disaggregation in Matching Markets
Stephen Nei
(University of Oxford)
Department of Economics Seminar
Friday 15 June 2018 (8th Week, Trinity Term)
Aging and Heterogeneity in the Analysis of Mortality
Gerard van den Berg
Nuffield Econometrics Seminar
Coalition-Proof Full Efficient Implementation
Mikhail Safronov
(University of Cambridge)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar
Friday 22 June 2018 (9th Week, Trinity Term)
Bargaining and Competition in Thin Markets
Francesc Dilme
(University of Bonn)
Nuffield Economic Theory Seminar