Policy engagement: an introduction
Some of the most policy engaged academics from across the University, the new policy engagement team and researcher developers are teaming up to deliver a new introduction to policy, those who make it, and the mutual benefits that researchers and policymakers can derive from closer engagement. The course is open to early career researchers and Y3+ doctoral candidates, and will provide them with an introduction to the following:

– What is policy?
– Who makes and shapes policy?
– Why engage with policy?
– How do researchers engage with policy?

Some of the University’s many policy engaged researchers and academics will also participate, sharing insights from their own experience. Following the course, participants will have a better understanding of the relevance of their research and expertise to policy and policymakers; and be more able to identify policymakers with an interest in the their area of research and to engage policymakers effectively.
Date: 12 November 2019, 10:00 (Tuesday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2019)
Venue: Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street OX1 3BD
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organisers: William Pryor (University of Oxford), Eleanor Bayley (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: WILLIAM.PRYOR@SOCSCI.OX.AC.UK
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/policy-engagement-an-introduction-registration-64802881162
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: William Pryor