Tissue-targeted therapy for cancer using a platform called AvidinOX
Rita De Santis directs the Department of Biotech Products at Sigma Tau SpA, Italy. Rita’s group previously published that injected oxidised Avidin, called AvidinOX, exhibits the distinctive property to form Schiff’s bases with tissue proteins thus constituting a stable receptor for biotinylated therapeutics. AvidinOX is currently under clinical investigation in Europe and USA to target radioactive biotin to inoperable tumor masses. Previous data also proved that AvidinOX can be employed for targeting biotinylated cells or biotinylated antibodies. Interestingly, a strong anti-tumor activity of AvidinOX-anchored biotinylated Cetuximab (bCet) was observed, against EGFR+ tumor cells. The talk will illustrate how to exploit this unexpected result for new cancer therapies.
Date: 1 March 2016, 11:00 (Tuesday, 7th week, Hilary 2016)
Venue: NDM Building, Headington OX3 7FZ
Venue Details: TDI (Basement seminar room) (Note: not the ORCRB)
Speaker: Dr Rita De Santis (Sigma Tau SpA, Italy)
Organising department: Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford Branch
Organisers: Alexandra Ward (University of Oxford, Oxford Ludwig Institute, NDM Experimental Medicine), Mary Muers (Oxford Ludwig Institute, NDM Experimental Medicine)
Organiser contact email address: alexandra.ward@ludwig.ox.ac.uk
Host: Dr Sebastian Nijman (Ludwig Cancer Research, Oxford)
Part of: Ludwig Institute Seminar Series
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Mary Muers