Environmental Social Sciences and Humanities in the Oxford Networks for the Environment
Online meeting to explore the potential of a new ONE (Oxford Networks for the Environment) initiative for scholars in the social sciences and humanities at Oxford. At this meeting, we will describe the ONE initiative, invite contributions and explore possible routes forward. Once registered, the programme and call-in details will be circulated in advance. Don’t forget to register for the optional social event after this meeting at the King’s Arms.
Main meeting: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/one-social-sciences-humanities-exploratory-meeting-tickets-191077577177
Post-meeting social: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/one-exploratory-meeting-post-meeting-drinks-at-the-kings-arms-tickets-191094136707
3 November 2021, 16:00 (Wednesday, 4th week, Michaelmas 2021)
Register to attend the online meeting
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department:
School of Geography and the Environment
Dr Mark Hirons (School of Geography and the Environment),
Dr. Jasper Montana (University of Oxford),
Dr Séverine Deneulin (Laudato Si' Research Institute),
Dr Tim Howles (Laudato Si' Research Institute)
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Members of the University only
Jasper Montana