Oxford 3Rs Research Day 2018
Please register by 8 March
This event will cover advances in reduction, refinement and replacement, and will feature both local and national speakers.

1000 – Opening address, Ewan McKendrick
1020 – The future of training in experimental design in Oxford, Manuel Berdoy
1030 – TaiNi: Maximizing research output whilst improving animals’ welfare in neurophysiology experiments, John Huxter/Esther Rodriguez-Villegas
1100 – Fasting-induced torpor in mice, Vlad Vyazovskiy
1120 – 3Rs outside the lab: the how why and when of speaking out, John Meredith
1140 – 360° tour of the primate lab, Maria Martinez
1200 LUNCH (Harris-Manchester College)
1330 – Encouraging code and data sharing: a primer in open science and reproducible research, Stephen Eglen (Cambridge)
1400 – The 3Rs impact of CRISPR/Cas9 site-specific nucleases for the generation of genetically modified mouse models, Ben Davies
1420 – Combining systems modelling and machine learning with experimentation to apply a 3Rs based approach to immunology and cancer research, Mark Coles
1440 – Data reproducibility. Prof Dorothy Bishop
1520 – REFRESHMENTS – Coffee/Tea in Pharmacology Common Room (4th floor)
1540 – Update from the NC3Rs: top news stories of 2017, Mark Prescott
1600 – Handling method alters the hedonic value of reward in laboratory mice, Candy Rowe (Newcastle)
1630 – How does mouse handling affect physiology and behaviour?
Short presentations and discussion, David Bannerman, Mark Prescott, Sara Wells, Candy Rowe, Denise Jelfs, Stuart Peirson
1730 Close
Date: 23 March 2018, 10:00 (Friday, 10th week, Hilary 2018)
Venue: Pharmacology, off Mansfield Road OX1 3QT
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organisers: Medical Sciences Division, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Booking required?: Required
Booking email: oxhoadmin@bms.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Alison Brindle