Abstract not yet added
- Date: 29 November 2018, 11:00 (Thursday, 8th week, Michaelmas 2018)
- Venue: Botnar Research Centre
Headington OX3 7LDSee location on maps.ox
Room G54
- Speaker: Paul Hewitson (Senior Research Officer, Health Services Research Unit, University of Oxford)
- Organiser: Paul Hewitson (Senior Research Officer, Health Services Research Unit, University of Oxford)
- Organiser contact email address: paul.hewitson@dph.ox.ac.uk
- Hosts: Paul Hewitson (Senior Research Officer, Health Services Research Unit, University of Oxford),
Claire Murray (Oxford Health BRC)
- Booking required?: Recommended
- Booking email: paul.hewitson@dph.ox.ac.uk
- Cost: Free
- Audience: Members of the University only
- This talk features in the following public collections:
Lynne Maddocks