Charting the lexicon across the lifespan
Quantitative approaches to language have opened up new pathways to understanding how the lexicon changes across the lifespan, from childhood to late life. In this talk, I’ll discuss recent and ongoing work in my lab using network science to investigate the structure, acquisition, and eventual decay of the lexicon across the lifespan. I will discuss projects on bilingual first language acquisition, memory loss in late life, and changes in free associations from early to late life.
Date: 26 November 2019, 15:00 (Tuesday, 7th week, Michaelmas 2019)
Venue: New Radcliffe House, Walton Street OX2 6NW
Venue Details: Seminar Room 20.05
Speaker: Thomas Hills (Alan Turing Institute)
Organising department: Department of Experimental Psychology
Organisers: Dr Karla Holmboe (Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford), Yaling Hsiao (University of Oxford )
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Department of Experimental Psychology - Language & Development Seminars
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Yaling Hsiao